
My name is Melanie Jackson.

Welcome to my blog.

I started this blog because I wanted to talk to my readers again. When the old site disappeared I realized how much I missed being able to share thoughts, news and even musings with old friends who have been with me and my fictional characters since the late 90s.

As some of you know, I’m the author of over 100 Amazon books.

In fact, I was writing at a good clip when, one day, I ran out of things to say.

So, I stopped writing…

But creativity needs an outlet.  So, I began painting.  For a time, I tried to merge both worlds by illustrating and publishing children’s picture books.  But in the end, art won out and I began dedicating all my time to watercolor and acrylic painting.

The vacation worked. Now, I’m writing again, via this blog, and that makes me happy. Perhaps it will rekindle the fire and lead to bigger things.

Things the spouse (and driving force behind this site’s tech) wants me to point out include:

  • It’s growing and evolving.  Please be patient.
  • My mystery series are displayed on the main menu after my site logo.
  • My romance series are displayed on the Secondary menu at the very top of the screen that disappears when you scroll.
  • Many more books are listed in various advertising panels spread across the pages.

Finally, sign up to the Author Melanie Jackson Newsletter using the sign-up form in the right panel of this page or by visiting https://authormelaniejacksonnewsletter.com. That is the best way to find out about discounts and new releases (yes, there is something new coming).
