Juliet Henry would love to do art solely for art’s sake, but pure art wasn’t bringing in the money. Running away and joining the circus had seemed like a reasonable option when Miss Henry needed to shuffle off the NSA’s deadly coil and start her life again. Joining an art colony was the closest thing she could find to a circus, but sadly murder and her old career followed her to Bartholomew’s Woods. Also, sadly, murder didn’t pay the rent so she needed to take up another occupation while she practiced pure art in her free time. Her bread and butter became pet portraits done in the style of whichever impressionist artist the client preferred (read about this in Modern Art– Miss Henry Mysteries 9).

If you can’t get enough of Marley the cat who kindly labored as Miss Henry’s model in many, many, many sittings, more portraits can be found on Juliet’s Instagram page.

The first book in the chronicles of Miss Henry’s adventures as the unofficial sleuth of Bartholomew’s Woods is Portrait of a Gossip. Juliet Henry wouldn’t stack up her knowledge of the human heart against the great romantic poets, but after years in the NSA she knew a thing or two about human avarice, stupidity and vicious gossips. It came as no great surprise when the small artists’ colony ended up with a dead scandal-monger and that Juliet had to use her old skills to solve the murder before the killer struck again.